Omnia Nutriology® 

A member of the Omnia Group

Since 1953, with purposeful planning and actions, Omnia has been positioned to make a positive and significant impact in South Africa’s agricultural sector. Our advice and assistance to clients are supported by a holistic approach based on our Nutriology® model. Nutriology® is an approach that focuses on the growth of agricultural crops by developing and then applying specialised products, innovative solutions, technology, services, and client relationships that strives to promote sustainability. Nutriology® refers to a total crop management process and is applied throughout a crop’s lifecycle to increase yield, reduce the risk associated with crop production and increase the farmer’s return on investment.

Omnia Nutriology® is based on twelve core principles that, in our opinion, will ensure the future success of all parties involved in our business, from our suppliers to our shareholders and customers. It is supported by the OMNIA Nutriology® Solutions Development department whose members constantly strive to develop specialised solutions and products with the use of integrated technology, knowledge, and innovative ideas.

Granular Fertilizer

Each granule in our chemically granulated products contains all the nutrients registered for that product. This means that all these nutrients are distributed uniformly across the entire field.

Liquid Fertilizer

Omnia can rightfully claim to be the father of liquid fertilizer in Africa. A full range of clear liquids and suspensions, similar to the granular fertilizer range, is produced at our strategically placed liquid fertilizer plants.


The products in this range consist of water soluble and liquid products that could be applied through foliar sprays, directly to the soil or through fertigation. It contains all the plant nutritional elements at specific ratios required by different crops and growth stages.

Ammonia Gas

Ammonia gas (N-Gas) contains the highest concentration of nitrogen and reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide. It can be applied as part of a pre-plant or general fertilizer programme.

Nutriology® Solutions

Nutriology® Solution Development creates sustainable agricultural solutions through leveraging knowledge, innovative ideas and focussed research to generate wealth


OMNIBIO® aims to protect soil health and biodiversity with the use of analytical services, microbial products, soil conditioners and bio-stimulants


An OmniSap® analysis can detect deficiencies three to six weeks earlier than conventional dry tissue analysis, and even before visual deficiency symptoms appear and yield loss ensues.

Contact Us

Speak to one of our agronomists today about how the necessary measures and products can then be put in place to give our customers the competitive edge.

Omnia Nutriology®

A holistic approach to crop production